Convey has been operating in the field of specialized training for the Industrial and Intellectual Property since 1986.
We were the first in Italy to systematically launch prepared human recourses to this Sector by training young graduates in the scientific technical, economic or legal field within the “Patents for industrial invention” or “ Trademarks, Designs and Author Rights” (MIP – Master in Intellectual Property and combat against counterfeit ). For more than a quarter century, we have launched in the Sector hundreds of people, placing them both in Companies specialized in Technical or Legal IP Consulting as well as in the IP & Licensing Department of large manufacturing enterprises.
Thanks to the intensive collaboration with the leading IP Consulting Companies, the training activities also include the preparation of those who intend to obtain, in accordance with the “Code of Industrial Property”, an authorization to practice the profession of a “Patents Consultant”, “Trademark Consultant” or both.
Following the recent entry into force of the national regulations on the professional upgrading of those who work in the Sector, Convey has become active also in the field of “continuing education ” with the release of “ educational credits”: in that context it can count on the best expertise existing in Italy and also on an innovative platform for distance learning (PDL), widely used in all the types of the Course mentioned.
Detailed information on the training is available on the dedicated website WWW.CONVEY-IP.IT
Convey also operates in the divulgation of the culture of the Industrial and Intellectual Property in the enterprises, especially in the small and medium – sized enterprises (SMEs), a supporting structure of the Italian industrial system.
With this objective, for more than 10 years Convey has been implementing publishing initiatives with specialized annual publications on topics related to the IP and the combat against the counterfeit, with specialized information services from databases on the IP regulations and Anti-counterfeiting, with services for promotion of the offer of professional consulting existing in Italy in the specialized tertiary sector, as well as studies and research on the Sector, developed also in collaboration with private and public partners.
Detailed information on the cultural divulgation is available on the dedicated website WWW.PATNET.IT