In the methodology of Convey , the defense service of a brand from the danger of vulgarization on the Internet is based on the results of a specific analysis activity developed with upstream solutions of “internet brand intelligence” in order to understand the existing situation and its peculiar “symptoms” (see “Analysis of popularization of trademark”).
On the basis of this monitoring, repeated systematically on all of the main channels of the Network , a precise action plan is defined aiming at communicating to all subjects interested in any way in the sign-term, the nature of its “brand”, its belonging to a specific owner, the need to quote it in combination with labels / logos that specify its “status” of industrial property (e.g. logos ®, ™, “registered trademark”, etc..).
All the subjects identified by the monitoring (owners of websites, blogs, administrators, forum users, chat users, etc..) become the target of a specific and systematic communications, managed by Convey on behalf of the Brand Owner.
The reports produced on the different types of action to counter attack the vulgarization and the actions of periodic inspection about the practical implications of such actions may constitute conclusive documentation about the behaviour of the owner of the trademark and its unequivocal willingness to make known and defend actively his industrial property rights, the way it is specifically required by the law.